Root Canal Therapy
Root canal treatment (endodontic treatment) is performed when the dental pulp, nerve or the delicate tissue at the core of your tooth has been damaged. Dental pulp lies within the tooth, extending from the crown of the tooth to the tip of the root. It contains nerves, connective tissue, and blood and lymph vessels which provide oxygen, nutrients, and feeling to the tooth. It also regulates the growth and development of the tooth during childhood.
Root canal treatment involves removing inflamed, diseased, or dead pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals of a tooth and replacing it with a filling in order to prevent the tooth from being extracted.
When is root canal treatment necessary?
Root canal treatment is recommended in cases of infection or necrotic dental pulp (dead nerve) due to deep decay or a large filling, fracture, advanced gum disease, accident or trauma.
The symptoms of damaged, diseased, or inflamed dental pulp requiring root canal treatment include:
- Pain and pressure at the site of the tooth
- Hot and cold sensitivity
- Mobility of the tooth
- Swelling and tenderness in the gums surrounding the tooth
- Discolouration or darkening of the tooth
- The presence of pus at the site of the tooth
- Facial swelling
A diagnosis for root canal treatment is made on the basis of symptoms reported by the patient, an examination of the tooth, and x-rays of the tooth.
What are the benefits?
The main aim and benefit of root canal treatment is to save a tooth that would otherwise be extracted. Retaining natural teeth is considered the best solution from a dental perspective and prevents the need for replacement teeth, which can be time-consuming, painful, and costly.
If a tooth requiring this type of treatment is ignored, widespread gum and connective tissue infection may result, as well as loss of the tooth. We at Kellyville family dental advise you to visit your dentist at the first sign of any of the above-mentioned symptoms associated with damaged, diseased, or inflamed dental pulp.